Design boards

What We Did

Initially within the report we introduced the concept and core principles of Biophilic Design. Then outlining the theory and research behind Biophilic Design and the business case for incorporating it in the workplace.

Our Biophilic workplace strategy considered: 

  • Breakout areas
  • Outdoor spaces
  • Overall layout & zoning
  • Furniture, flooring, wall materials & colour schemes 
  • Planting schemes - indoor & outdoor
  • Lighting & air purification
  • New Biophilic features 

For one site we were asked to analyse a proposed scheme by the existing architects re-designing the top floor of the building. We outlined how Biophilic Design could enhance the plans thus creating a Biophilic Design Strategy for the project team to realise the refurbishment.

For this site we also proposed an education package for employees to foster an office culture that supports wellbeing.