carpet design, plants, exhibition space

The Event

The installation was situated in the drum at University of Manchester for the opening lecture of their Vital Topics series on Smart Cities. 

At Vital Topics, a variety of global business issues are discussed and this preliminary event investigated ‘Smart Cities – Solutions for Tomorrow's World’, focusing on potential infrastructure problems within our growing urban hubs. 

The event included a panel discussion debating the possible impact of technology, communications, infrastructure, energy, sustainability, and health and wellbeing on smart cities.

“It was great to see so many people attending and taking part in the discussion on how buildings are becoming smarter, happier and healthier… naturally.”
Oliver Heath
carpet design, plants, exhibition space

The Design

The installation contained a number of cost effective and temporary approaches to creating a human centred and natural feeling to the space. 

This included:

  • Biomimetic flooring from Interface, these were laid with Interface’s TacTiles to hold them together, reduce the use of toxic glues and aid the speed of fitting
  • Printed backlit wall dividers to help the zoning of the space and create a sense of mystery
  • A range of furniture to create focussed workspaces, collaborative zones, retreat spaces and town hall learning zones
  • A diverse planting planting to bring the space to life
  • Digitally printed eco vinyl wraps to cover up the painted columns


The outcome was a warm and inviting space, with sheltered spots in which to work or relax. 

The students immediately made themselves at home amongst the greenery.